Parents’ Words



從鞠躬問好,到輕聲細語;從眼神交流到禮貌用語;從主動收拾玩具到輕拿輕放;從邀請小朋友到家玩到學會分享玩具和美食,我都發覺孩子真的長大了、懂事了、學乖巧了。尤其是她經常口中提到:「老師教我這樣做。」 讓我發覺她很聽老師話,而且記性我發覺她很聽老師話,而且記得很好,做得也不錯。她還學會了交朋友,記住朋友的名字,給朋友送小禮物等等。



上幼信 丘靜恩家長

感謝主的預備與帶領,為恩恩預備了充滿愛的學習與成長的環境。 恩恩是一個慢熱的小朋友,新生入學適應期時,一 離 開父母身邊 就喊。但因著校長、主任、老師及姐姐 的安排及照料下,現在恩恩已經開心 投入校園生活了。




K1A(a.m.) Jennifer Annika Oberdorfer  Parent’s

Since the first four months in Kindergarten Jennifer has changed a lot. In the beginning she had a hard time to adjust staying there by her self, but now she really enjoys it. She has become less shy and now sometimes asks other children to join and play together with her on the playground.

Jennifer can take much better care of herself now, like going to the washroom, brushing her teeth by herself. She is also more considerate and tries to think about what is right and wrong. After the birthday party in November which vegetables and other food have been shared amongst the children she really likes to eat broccoli, which she didn’t like before.

Jennifer has also learned how to share, which she didn’t do before, now she sometimes shares food or toys.


Dear Kei Faat Kindergarten Teaching Team,
I want to express my sincere gratitude for all the efforts you all have taken during this academic year.

From day one, Scarlett enjoyed each and every class and looked forward to go to school everyday. This is Scarlett’s second year of school and we notice that she is becoming more patient and care about interacting with people.

She starts to develop friendship with her classmates and she likes to share her school life to us everyday.

We are glad that she is continuing to enjoy her school life so much, while learning and growing in such a good school environment. I really appreciate the way teachers are making the lesson innovative, which not only help her to learn, but also in developing a keen liking for the subject. Thank you again for all the passions in teaching and wonderful work you all have done.

With kind regards,
Jame Yau
Scarlett’s Father
12th Dec., 2014

幼兒班(上幼A) 袁琦昕家長

Happy 45th anniversary to Kei Faat Kindergarten! Congratulations for reaching this milestone on early childhood education. I am very pleased and honoured to share my thoughts in the school yearbook.
Growing up on Yuet Wah Street, I spent my very first academic years at Kei Faat. This kindergarten has paved a very significant path for my early childhood education; now that my daughter is the second generation studying here, we couldn’t be more proud and grateful.

Everything in the kindergarten comes too familiar as I remembered: the classrooms layout, the school environment and the pink summer uniform is just the same as I used to wear! The academic curriculum, however, has evolved significantly over the years, thanks to our principal and the teaching staffs who devote a lot of time and effort preparing the best courses for our children, including Montessori Method and the 6-character model.

I trust that Kei Faat will continue to succeed in quality teaching, and I wish for my girl to enjoy every moment spent here as much as I used to.