「學由於作」(Learning By Doing)為本園的教育理念。最好的教育是從作上去求知,知識是依賴行動而求得的,即使從行動中出現了錯誤,但我們可從錯誤中學習到寶貴的經驗,這才是真正的學會學習。現在校長有些心底話想對您們說:
- 要等待,要用愛心與耐心等待你的孩子獨立完成他 們自己的事。孩子需要時間學曉,當孩子動作慢的 時候,請耐心等待,並用溫柔的說話鼓勵他們,小小的心房便學曉愛與包容。
- 要聆聽,當孩子想和你說話時,請放下繁忙的工作 或家務,蹲下來細細聆聽孩子的心聲,小小的生命便學曉愛與尊重。

Teacher Alan– Native English Teacher
I am an enthusiastic NET teacher from the USA. I have been teaching English to kindergarten and primary students through activity-based learning for the past 6 years. I also taught classes in fun reading programmes incorporating techniques to improve comprehension, vocabulary and overall interest in reading through the use of games and competitions.
During the teaching process, I always provide positive educational experience for my students. The main focus is to ensure that children balance learning with fun in the classroom and build confidence in their own ability. It’s important to maintain a positive atmosphere in classrooms and use positive reinforcement to encourage students to learn better. It is important to realize that teaching is sometimes full of surprises and new situations, and teachers must be ready to apply new strategies.
Every student has their own way of learning. Teachers should engage with students both academically and personally. During my classes, when possible, I always give my students choices which make them feel more empowered to learn. It is critical to create real world connections in the classroom and keep teaching contents that are relevant to students’ lives and experiences outside of school. If students do not believe that they will use the classroom materials in their future, they see lessons as insignificant and not useful. In order to achieve learning objectives, a teacher must make the material relevant to their students and make English significant to every student.